by Lisa Birch

1. Aesthetics
1.1. Westernised
1.1.1. White Walls
1.1.2. Busy
1.1.3. Manmade
1.1.4. Square edges
1.1.5. Inorganic Materials
1.1.6. Resisting age
1.2. Easternised
1.2.1. Organic
1.2.2. Simplistic
1.2.3. Traditionalist
1.2.4. Feng shui
1.2.5. Wabi-Sabi
1.2.6. Shows Age
1.2.7. Natural textures
1.3. Anti-Aestheticism
2. Taste
2.1. Eye of the Beholder
2.2. Good Taste
2.3. Bad Taste
2.4. Educated Taste
3. Ideologies
3.1. Perfection
3.2. Beauty
3.3. Wealth
3.4. Family
3.5. Health
4. Cuteness
4.1. Cartoons
4.1.1. Disney Bambi Aristocats
4.1.2. Studio Ghibli Cat Returns My Neighbour Totoro
4.2. Animals
4.2.1. Cats
4.2.2. Rabbits
4.2.3. Deer
4.2.4. Owls