Intercurricular Unit Plan - Habitats and Humanity 3rd Grade Gifted & Talented & Project Based Lea...

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Intercurricular Unit Plan - Habitats and Humanity 3rd Grade Gifted & Talented & Project Based Learning Classroom by Mind Map: Intercurricular Unit Plan - Habitats and Humanity 3rd Grade Gifted & Talented & Project Based Learning Classroom

1. Math

1.1. Symmetry in Nature

1.2. Angles in Nature

2. Science

2.1. Current vs. Historical Environmental Comparisons

2.2. Indiana Habitat Formations

2.3. Indiana Plant Life

2.4. Indiana Animal Species

2.5. Trophic Cascades

3. Social Studies

3.1. Human Influences on the Environment

3.2. Indiana Topography

3.3. Social & Ecological Interdependence

3.4. Citizenship Skills & Strategies

3.5. Viewpoints of Our Environment - a Comparison Then & Now

4. Physical Education

4.1. Nature Hike

4.2. Walking Meditation

5. Writing

5.1. Poetry in Nature

5.2. Be the Change - Persuasive Writing

5.3. Create an Informational Brochure on Renewable Energy Resources

6. Reading Comprehension

6.1. The Lorax

6.2. The Tin Forest

6.3. Owl Moon

6.4. Wolf Island

6.5. A River Ran Wild: An Environmental History

7. Art

7.1. Watercolor in Nature

7.2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose

7.3. Build a Birdhouse

8. Speaking & Listening

8.1. Interview Your Community - What has Changed in Your Time? Why do you think this change has occurred?

8.2. Debate- A Topic I believe In

8.3. How Can We Make a Difference?

9. Music

9.1. Sounds of Nature

10. Technology & Innovation

10.1. Create a song