Effective Learning Strategies

Effective Learning Strategies; how to study; study skills

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Effective Learning Strategies by Mind Map: Effective Learning Strategies

1. Restudying material after initial reading

2. Improve performance

3. Explaining how new information is related to known information

4. Feelings

5. Teach

5.1. You colleagues

5.2. Other students

6. Deliberate practice

6.1. Quality + Quantity

6.2. Highly structured

6.3. Requires

6.3.1. Focus

6.3.2. Effort

6.3.3. Time

6.4. Process

6.4.1. Immediate informative feedback on performance

6.4.2. Build on existing knowledge

6.4.3. Repeat until mastered Not inherently enjoyable

6.4.4. Motivated to improve performance

7. Simulate

7.1. Procedural knowledge (process)

7.2. Practice with new problems

8. Logical

8.1. Sound reasoning

8.2. Part makes sense in the whole

9. Visualize

9.1. Pictures, colors, cartoons

9.2. Diagrams, charts, graphs

9.3. Bizzare visualizations/associations

10. Practice testing

10.1. Self-testing

10.2. Practice tests

10.3. Practice recall

10.4. Helps with future retrieval

11. Filter

11.1. Choose important concepts

11.2. Eliminate the fluff

12. Highlighting/ underlining

12.1. Mark important text

12.2. Difficult to make connections

13. Connect with others

13.1. Interact with others students

13.2. Group work

13.3. Teachers

13.4. Parents

14. Concentrate

14.1. Stay focused

14.2. Pay attention

15. Active learning

15.1. Interact with information

16. Connect information

16.1. Connect the dots

16.2. How does it all connect?

16.3. Build new knowledge on existing knowledge

17. Elaborate

17.1. Work with extended information

17.2. Beyond class materials

18. Elaborative interrogation

18.1. Generate explanations

18.2. Why is this true?

19. Emotions

19.1. Heart

20. Explain

20.1. Discuss with others

20.2. In your own words

21. Environment

21.1. Change study place

21.2. Slows down forgetting

22. Experience

22.1. Life is greatest teacher

22.2. Case studies

23. Feedback

23.1. See results of how you're learning

23.2. Adjust learning strategies based on feedback

24. Imagery for text

24.1. Form mental images of text

25. Interleaved practice

25.1. Different kinds of materials

26. Keyword mnemonic

26.1. Keywords

26.2. Mental imagery

27. Meaningful

27.1. Does it make sense to you?

27.2. Learn from general to specific

27.2.1. Start with outline

27.2.2. Add details

28. Organize

28.1. Structure information

28.2. Arrange and rearrange

29. Paraphrase

29.1. Your own words

30. Reflect

30.1. Process information in your own way

30.2. What you know about what you know

30.3. How you learn

31. Rereading

32. Self-explanation

32.1. Explaining steps taken during problem solving

32.2. Declarative knowledge (facts)

33. Subconscious

33.1. Sleep on it

33.2. Revisit later

33.3. Thinking "to go"

34. Summarization

34.1. Condense text

34.2. Capture important ideas

35. Think

35.1. While learning

35.2. About what you're learning

35.3. About how you're learning

36. Videos

36.1. Supplement reading materials with videos

37. Write

37.1. Write down what you've learned

37.2. Writing challenges you to organize your thoughts