1. goals
1.1. study & exercise
2. Studying & Homework
2.1. Monday
2.1.1. Go over Nurs 116: Tissue Integrity I and II
2.2. tuesday
2.2.1. make notes on today's NURS 125, 124, 116 classes
2.2.2. Go over Nurs 116: Infection 3 and 4
2.3. wednesday
2.3.1. Nurs 125: Hand in 2 SMART Goals
2.3.2. Nurs 125: Lab Quiz
2.3.3. Nurs 125: Readings to prep for Friday Lab
2.3.4. Nurs 125: Hand in Questionnaire for Monday Clinical
2.4. thursday
2.4.1. Nurs 125: Watch videos to prep for Lab after work
2.5. friday
2.5.1. Go over Nurs 124 Notes: Class 16, 18-21
2.6. saturday
2.6.1. Nurs 125: Go over MSK, Cardio and Head to Toe Notes
3. Work
3.1. Thursday: 4pm to Close
3.2. Saturday: 4pm to Close
4. Don't forget:
4.1. to take breaks in b/w studying
4.2. spend time with family when I can
4.3. eat properly
4.4. take my medicine (currently sick)
5. exercise
5.1. monday: arms and shoulders day
5.1.1. Arms 20x Dumbbell Curls 20x Hammer Curls 20x Dumbbell Curls 20x Reverse Dumbbell Curls Exercise #234 - Reverse Dumbbell Curl 10x Dumbbell Curls Triceps Pushdowns 8-10 reps 10x Dumbbell Curls Triceps Pushdowns 8-10 reps 10x Dumbbell Curls Triceps Pushdowns 8-10 reps 10x Skull crushers One arm extension 10 reps each arm 10x Skull crushers One arm extension 10 reps each arm 10x Skull crushers One arm extension 10 reps each arm Palm Up Barbell wrist curl 3 sets, 10 reps Close Grip Barbell Bench Press 8 sets, 8 reps SUPERSET EVERY WORKOUT
5.1.2. Shoulders Arnold Press How to do the Arnold Press 5 Sets, 10 reps 2. Superset Dumbbell High Pull https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJdROwz4qeQ Standing Dumbbell Lat Raise Both 3-5 Sets, 8-12 reps (OPTIONAL) Strict Press https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94pwgUPhdrE 5 Sets, 5 reps . 3. Superset Seated Dumbbell Lat Raise Bent Over Dumbbell Lat Raise Both 3-5 Sets, 8-12 reps 4. Superset Standing Dumbbell Press Front Dumbbell Raise Both 3-5 sets, 8-12 reps **** rests between supersets are 30-45 secs
5.2. tuesday: chest day
5.2.1. Superset - Flat Bench Press 3-5 sets, 5-10 reps - 10 pushups, 3 sets Superset - Decline Bench Press 3-5 sets, 5-10 reps - 10 pushups, 3 sets Superset - Incline Bench Press 3-5 sets, 5-10 reps - 10 pushups, 3 sets Superset - Flat Dumbbell Press 3 sets, 10 -12 reps - 10 Bench dips, 3 sets Supersets - Incline Dumbbell Press 3 sets, 10-12 reps - 10 bench dips, 3 sets Superset - Decline Dumbbell Press 3 sets, 10-12 reps - 10 bench dips, 3 sets 30-45 seconds between supersets
5.3. wednesday: back day
5.3.1. Exercise 1: Wide Grip Pulldown 3 sets for 8-12 reps OR Wide grip Assisted Pull-up 3 sets for 8-12 reps
5.3.2. Exercise 2: Close grip Pulldown palms facing self 3 sets for 8-12 reps OR Close grip Assisted Pull-ups 3 sets for 8-12 reps
5.3.3. Exercise 3: Close Grip Pulldown (palms facing out) 3 sets for 8-12 reps OR Close Grip Assisted Pull-ups 3 sets for 8-12 reps
5.3.4. Exercise 4 One Armed Row 3 sets for 8-12 reps
5.3.5. Exercise 5 Seated Cable Rows 3 sets for 8-12 reps
5.3.6. Exercise 6 Bent Over Barbell Rows 3 sets for 8-12 reps (Palms facing IN)
5.3.7. Exercise 7 Bent Over Barbell Rows 3 sets for 8-12 reps (Palms facing OUT)
5.4. thursday: rest
5.5. friday: cardio day
5.5.1. 5 km run around my neighboorhood