Lorna Lesson Plan

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Lorna Lesson Plan by Mind Map: Lorna Lesson Plan

1. Lesson 1: Grade 1: Science

1.1. Cluster 2: The Senses

1.1.1. Overview: In this cluster: students learn more about what the senses are, how they operate, and how they must be protected. GLO: C6, D1, D3 Prescribed Learning Outcomes: Students will ... 1-2-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of the senses.

2. Lesson 4: Grade 1: Physical Education / Health Education

2.1. Healthy Lifestyle Practices

2.1.1. Prescribed Learning Outcome: Recognize the food guide rainbow and a variety of foods in Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating (CFGHE). GLO: K.5.K.C.1a K.5.1.C.1a Food Guide Rainbow Cut out four large rainbow-shaped bands of yellow, green, blue, and red cardboard. Stick them to a board to make a food guide rainbow (e.g., yellow first, followed by green, blue, and red), based on Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating (Health Canada). Explain to students that the rainbow represents the four main food groups: grain products, vegetables and fruit, milk products, and meat and alternatives. Tell them about another group called “other foods,” which contains foods that are sometimes combined with those of the four main food groups, or foods that are eaten in small amounts and less often.

3. Lesson 2: Grade 1: Cree Language and Culture

3.1. Language Competence

3.1.1. GLO: Students will be effective, competent and comfortable as Cree speakers. (Okiskinamawakanak kā nihtā nehiya wewak.) Prescribed Learning Outcomes: LC–1 attend to the form of the language Students will be able to: a. pronounce some common words and phrases correctly b. recognize intonation and expressions common to Cree

4. Lesson 3: Grade 1: Social Studies: Connecting & Belonging

4.1. Cluster 2: My Environment

4.1.1. Objective: Students explore their environment. They study maps and globes, locate themselves in their community, in Manitoba and in Canada and discover various aspects of their community, including the natural environment and important landmarks and places. Map attached. Overview: Grade 1 students explore connections and relationships that exist in groups and communities. Students enhance their awareness of Canada as a country and consider the connections that bring people together in communities, past and present. l

4.1.2. Knowledge: 1-KC-001. Students will identify Manitoba as their province and Canada as their country. Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember/Students will identify Manitoba as their province. Understand/Students will taught about their country Canada and the provinces. Apply/Students will point out in the map, where live and the province of Manitoba. The LwICT Model