Data displays and Statistics!

Math 257 Mind Map and data Displays

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Data displays and Statistics! by Mind Map: Data displays and Statistics!

1. Central tendency

1.1. Mean

1.2. Median

1.3. Mode

2. Box and Whiskers Plot

2.1. Range

2.2. Minimum

2.3. Maximum

2.4. Q1: Lower Quartile

2.5. Q2: Median

2.6. Q3: Upper Quartile

3. Scatter plots

3.1. Positive association

3.2. Negative association

3.3. No association

4. Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)

4.1. Absolute Value

4.2. Absolute Deviation

4.3. Average distance between each data value and the mean.

5. Categorical data!

5.1. Bar Graph

5.2. Pictograph

5.3. Circle graph/Pie chart

6. Numerical data -Discrete and continuous

6.1. Dot plot

6.2. Histogram

6.3. Stem and leaf plot

6.4. Frequency table

7. Line graphs

7.1. Numerical

7.2. Continuous

7.3. Measures data