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ReviveAgro by Mind Map: ReviveAgro

1. Data Science

1.1. Data Collection

1.2. Managing and Analyzing

2. Human Resources

2.1. Employees

2.2. Promotions and Transfers

2.3. Meetings and Conferences

2.4. Recruitment

3. Marketing

3.1. Social Media

3.2. TV, News

3.3. Web Based

4. Services

4.1. Best Places to "Sell"

4.2. Predicting farm Yield

4.3. Detection of Pests using Thermal Images

4.4. Cropping Suggestions

5. Finances

5.1. Salary

5.2. Bonus

5.3. Profit/Loss

5.4. Balance Sheets

5.5. Tax

6. Mobile Application

6.1. Developer Team

6.2. Testing and Debugging