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Dissertation por Mind Map: Dissertation

1. to remember

1.1. ethnography

1.1.1. narrative of relationships

1.1.2. don't designate 'the ...', hghlight that is was a relationship in that time

1.1.3. fieldwork & dissertation is an exchange

1.1.4. talk about conditions I am living in to get an idea of the interaction in which Anth & informant relate

1.1.5. is speaking about your relationship with someone else

1.1.6. to know other, must learn about oneself and vica versa

1.1.7. look at why certain questions are not important or don't make sense

1.1.8. to be aware of ethnicity is a concept, do not reify as we deconstruct concepts and try to 'stand back' we should be aware that we are placing ourselves in yet another ethnocentricity that claims objectivity creating the informant in your mind making a claim on behalf of others attributing agency to objects not to generalize ethnographies location to the world, unless apt omnicient informant looking for data that supports theory e.g. "we want to observe an innovation" theoretical lenses can act as blinders and become self-fulfilling if you prmote assumptions you can make them real, but not necessarily true

1.1.9. who am I writing ethnography for

1.1.10. bring myself in throughout, not separate myself do not use edu-techniques that dehumanize, such as removal of 'I'

1.1.11. data comes from social relationships

1.1.12. use Art for explanation

1.1.13. learning not preserving

1.1.14. outline personal agenda

1.1.15. Cartography analysis how do people feel about time, heightened saliences, time is geography

1.2. fieldwork

1.2.1. don't filter data in the field

1.2.2. structured interviews, unstructured interviews, household surveys, datamining

1.2.3. have psychoanalysis

1.2.4. establish rapport otherwise informants misguide

1.2.5. to focus on in field possibilities Masculinity in its own right, not in opposition to femininity perhaps draw a direct comparison to another country in terms of; geography fishermen claiming to want more govermental control

1.2.6. write blind, write totally

1.2.7. do favours, become involved

1.3. general

1.3.1. statelessness does not equate to primitive

2. to read

2.1. Gellner

2.1.1. nationalism is product of industrialisation, education systems and education elites

2.2. Cohen

2.2.1. symbolic theory of what community is

2.3. Just

2.3.1. KInship is tangible structure, do not want to solely objectively pin down, but look at creative change

2.4. Favret Saada

2.4.1. Deadly words

2.5. Malinowski

2.5.1. PO, one community intensively, mix, gain trust, glimpses of their world

2.6. Boaz

2.7. Chamberlain

2.7.1. multiple hypothesis

2.8. Moore

2.8.1. Still Life Book

2.9. Futa Helu

2.9.1. Taboo in Tonga coverup for special demands set of coercive demands by the ruling class destructive to the gullible

2.10. Castro

2.10.1. Cultural Relativism better understood

2.11. Sforza

2.11.1. interpersonal relations of who teaches who

2.12. Taussig

2.12.1. History as a commodity

2.13. Comaroff

2.13.1. Ethnography and the Historical

2.14. Bakunnin

2.14.1. looking at alternatives anarchism

2.15. Rabinow

2.15.1. Anthropose Today

2.16. Strathern

2.16.1. Audit Cultures

2.17. Raymond Williams

2.17.1. The Country and the City

2.18. Kabali-Sporoza

2.18.1. model of ways of learning, increase with size of community? Peers?

2.19. Leach

2.19.1. multi-faceted people

2.20. Foucault

2.20.1. mapping 'madness' to discover discursive boundaries

2.21. Kuhn

2.21.1. paradigm changes

2.22. Clastres

2.22.1. Guayaki people


3. concepts

3.1. to explore

3.1.1. liberated anthropology

3.1.2. postpluralism

3.1.3. denaturalization

3.1.4. impoderbilia

3.1.5. the destabilisation of fieldwork

3.1.6. historicity

3.1.7. intersubjectivity

3.1.8. reflexivity

3.1.9. delimitation its own characteristics limit itself

3.1.10. orthopraxy

3.1.11. liminal

3.1.12. depotentiation of Nature

3.2. i like

3.2.1. cross-cutting layers

3.2.2. Real vs True

3.2.3. synchretism

3.2.4. cumalative

4. to consider

4.1. ecosystem

4.1.1. basin of attraction

4.1.2. shifting equilibrium

4.2. education

4.2.1. is research guided by instituitional funding and politics

4.2.2. relationship between schooling and our relation to nature secularizing education and 'schooling everyone' results in an unsustainable quality in our relation to nature, perhaps to do with the fact that it places no apriori on culture connecting us to nature

4.2.3. the weightingof knowledge types: leical, textual, substantive, bodily, memes, modules, schema etc

4.2.4. maintain social barriers through education

4.2.5. use of Time in educational process is an internationalization of norms

4.2.6. education is about associating already existent ideas under one topic. (The understanding and appreciation of the them is either a side-effect or doesn't happen). THis then pushes you into using set linguistic and cognitive parameters. That is what is learnt.

4.3. ???

4.3.1. in acceptance of God-like qualities in makingan ethnography as you are creating a heterotopia and so admitting your God-like quality. Rather than claiming to 'stand back' which is simply a human quality

4.3.2. moral superiority in pain, not in happiness

4.3.3. not using ones agency is symbolically violent

4.3.4. do the opposite of these in fieldwork observation free from passion separation with connectedness to nature not taking dreams into consideration

4.4. economics

4.4.1. loss of undertanding of value due to enchantment of money

4.4.2. there are several levels of economy

4.4.3. material culture bias, when looking at 'culture' in chimpanzees, so biasing our perception of the world to the material

4.4.4. Capitalism enabled by having a workforce which does not have access to the means for ensuring its own subsistence means of subsistence are owned by entrepenuer workforce must sell ist labour (as a commodity) in exchange for its subsistence private ownership/property necessary to development of capitalistic markets workforce has to work longer to produce its own subsistence and surplus product surplus product is alienated from the worker as it is exchanged on the market mediated by money all objects bought or sold are intrinsically emmanating a commodity fetishism as the socal relations of production of them are hidden Commodity fetishism: non-capitalist societies economic fetishism comes from a sense of organic unity between persons and their products and this stands in stark contrast to the fetishism of commodities, which results from the split between persons and the things they produce and exchange. Result is subordination to products, as they appear independent and self-empowered.

4.4.5. the economic base is key. It can be an influential foundation for social formations, BUT has complex non-determining relationships with other aspects it is embedded in

4.4.6. Bloch: Economics is study of analysing transactions not productions, so it seems exchanges are producing value.


4.5.1. have Life/Art in their everyday Art/Life

4.5.2. allow alterity to produce alterations

4.5.3. different structures at different scales brings more belief to the reader in an ethnography

4.5.4. poverty of experience leads to ignorance

4.5.5. the Way the world is learnt is the way the world is

4.5.6. not that shamanism isnt theatre, its that we have (haven't also?) changed our idea or undertsanding of theatre

4.5.7. interpretation is built into perception

4.6. kinship

4.6.1. kinship doesn't exist independently of people, however in a kinship system the unit is not necessarily the person

4.7. gender

4.7.1. how social/gender roles are amplified and change their changing of the environment, and how these roles fit together to act on environment

4.7.2. societies exploit the exaggeration of genders for working roles

4.8. biology

4.8.1. critique of Darwinism if you critique capitalism then you critique todays misguided version of darwin because both are based on cost/benefit model. In capitalsim thsi assumes effciency but results in inefficency and homogenization