Qualitative VS Quantitative Research

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Qualitative VS Quantitative Research by Mind Map: Qualitative VS Quantitative Research

1. Hypotheses

1.1. Qualitative

1.1.1. Based on particular study

1.1.2. Changing

1.2. Quantitative

1.2.1. Specific

1.2.2. Does not change

1.2.3. Stated prior to particular study

2. Research Setting

2.1. Qualitative

2.1.1. Not controlled

2.2. Quantitative

2.2.1. Controlled

3. Sampling

3.1. Quantitative

3.1.1. Small sample Get in-deph understanding

3.2. Qualitative

3.2.1. Large sample Gerenalize results

4. Data Collection Strategies

4.1. Qualitative

4.1.1. Observations

4.1.2. Formal

4.1.3. Semi-structured

4.2. Quantitative

4.2.1. Document and artifact

4.2.2. In-/formal

4.2.3. Un-/structured

5. Purpose

5.1. Qualitative

5.1.1. Generate hypothesis to be test

5.1.2. Inductive

5.1.3. Explain and gain insight and understanding of phenomena

5.1.4. Narrative data

5.2. Quantitative

5.2.1. Numerical data

5.2.2. Explain, predict and control phenomena

5.2.3. Test hypothesis

5.2.4. Deductive

6. Approach to Inquiry

6.1. Qualitative

6.1.1. Subjective

6.2. Quantitative

6.2.1. Objetive

7. Design and Method

7.1. Qualitative

7.1.1. Flexible

7.2. Quantitative

7.2.1. Inflexible

7.2.2. Structured