EQUITY & SOCIAL JUSTICE An interconnected mindmap of my learning

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EQUITY & SOCIAL JUSTICE An interconnected mindmap of my learning by Mind Map: EQUITY & SOCIAL JUSTICE An interconnected mindmap of my learning

1. Intent vs Impact

1.1. "intentions are irrelevant to receiving privilege" (Sensoy & DiAngelo)

1.2. Entitled privilege

1.3. "Our lack of awareness or denial of our behaviour doesn not lessen the reality of its impact." (Sensoy & DiAngelo)

1.4. Internalized dominance & internalized oppression

2. Dominant & Minoritized Groups

2.1. The 'isms' of oppression

2.2. Informed knowledge

2.3. Identity - group vs individual

2.4. Institutional power

2.5. Socially constructed

2.6. Intersectionality

2.7. "Conveying to our children that living in a White neighbourhood makes them lucky, rather than conveying to them that they have lost something valuable by not having cross-racial relationships, is to teach them a great deal about race." (Sensoy & DiAngelo)

3. Culture

3.1. Socialization & conditioning

3.2. Normalized behaviour

3.3. The iceburg of culture

3.4. 'Normal' vs 'abnormal'

3.5. Binary view of people

3.6. Dominant ideology - hegemony

3.7. Responsibility to represent all groups in our school community, in all that we do

3.8. CRRP

4. Conscious/Unconscious Bias

4.1. Examining my own bias - acknowledge, interrupt

4.2. "Once you see it, you can never go back to your old way of seeing things" (Donsky)

4.3. Discrimination

4.4. "Deepening understanding is not dependent on agreement" (Sensoy & DiAngelo)

4.5. Explicit/implicit bias

4.6. “If white educators like me don't seek to understand our internalized biases, we risk perpetuating inequality.” (Sarah E. Fiarman)

5. Privilege & Positional Power

5.1. Willful ignorance

5.2. Internalized white supremacy - "no race"

5.3. Positionality

5.4. Legitimized dominance

5.5. 'Invisibility' of privilege - denial, defensiveness, resistance to change or acknowledge

5.6. "We don't know what we don't know"

5.7. Use positional power to remove systemic barriers to teaching and learning

5.8. The time to act is NOW - who am I hurting by waiting any longer??

5.9. Courageous conversations to interrupt bias

6. Human Rights

6.1. Legislation, policies, and professional practices

6.2. Using my privilege to take action against oppression

6.3. "day-to-day mundane ways"

6.4. Actions of an ally and accomplice

6.5. Canadian context - continue the work with Truth & Reconciliation in our schools

6.6. Take action EVERY DAY - negative/positive peace

6.7. “If you have come here to help me, you’re wasting your time. If you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” (Lilla Watson)

6.8. Commitment to anti-oppression

6.9. “Inclusion is not bringing people into what already exists; it is making a new space, a better space for everyone.” (Dei et al., 2000)