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sports by Mind Map: sports

1. Track and Endurance Sports

1.1. marathons, sprints, relays, long jump and high jump, javelin throwing, pole vault Mountain biking, road cycling, BMX, track cycling, and cyclocross

2. Water, Snow, and Ice Sports

2.1. swimming, synchronized swimming, diving, wake boarding, surfing, sailing, and rowing. skating, speed skating, and curling. Meanwhile, under the snow sports are the snowboarding, skiing, sledding, luge, skeleton, bobsled or bobsleigh, and ski bobbing.

3. Ball sports

3.1. basketball, soccer or football , bowling, football, paddleball, handball, and table tennis. golf, baseball, field hockey, cricket, lacrosse, billiards, and softball. Tennis, badminton, water polo, pickleball, and volleyball

4. Strength and Combat Sports

4.1. boxing, ultimate fighting, wrestling, and the ancient martial arts such as jujutsu, karate, and taekwondo. Kendo and fencing