1. Jeanneney
1.1. Need cultural diversity
1.1.1. Dominance by US literature Google Book Search is still in early beta. They have to start somewhere, English seems like a logical starting point. They have enough trouble with US copyright laws. Just recently recovered from American Association of Publishers. It would be irrational to start digitizing books in other countries when they have enough trouble dealing with local laws. Had the project been created by a French company, the first works would undoubtedly be in French.
1.2. No cultural context
1.3. Dangers of leaving such a project to a private company.
1.3.1. Government-run libraries and archives are chronically underfunded.
1.3.2. No political power without archive Democracy is measured by how much access people have to the archive.
1.3.3. Partnership between private and public
1.3.4. Blames Google for catering to the "consumers" rather than interests of the "citizens."
1.3.5. Microsoft's Live Search Books shut down in May of 2008. But they did transfer all their digitized books to a non-profit organization Internet Archive (archive.org)
1.3.6. Siva Vaidhyanathan, a professor at the University of Virginia, argues that "[p]ublic institutions ... should not be making these sorts of deals with private companies, especially when those companies are as dominant in their fields as Google is.
1.4. Accessing knowledge vs. retrieving a few pages
1.5. How will the books be chosen, based on what criteria?
1.6. Google wants to keep all digitized copies for itself.
1.7. Jeanneney's book is not in full view on Google Books. Only a preview of it.
2. Archive
2.1. New archival techniques on the internet
2.2. Librarians and archivists are responsible for...
2.2.1. Free access
2.2.2. nonexclusive
2.2.3. accessible images
2.2.4. no altering of media
2.2.5. multilingual access
2.3. Using the old physically constrained model.
2.3.1. Limiting the number of copies that can be checked out.
2.3.2. Trying to save the paperbacks and the old school book stores
3. Other Digitizers
3.1. reCAPTCHA: Crowdsourcing the digitization of books.
3.2. Project Gutenberg
4. Google's Point of View
4.1. Google's Mission: "Organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."
4.2. Offers an opt-out option rather than an opt-in. Just like it does for website owners. Anyone can ask to be excluded from Google's indexing.
4.3. Eric Schmidt's vision
4.4. Trying to change the old rules.
4.5. Google believes that they are in accordance with the copyright law. "Fair Use"
4.5.1. Eric's argument, although a good one, may not be so strong because his examples of recording a TV show or indexing a web page are both saving digital copy of an already digital work. With books it's moving from analog, tangible, physical to digital.
4.5.2. Google limits the number of viewable pages and attempts to prevent page printing and text copying of material under copyright.
4.5.3. "Digital age equivalent" of a card catalog with all the words indexed.
4.5.4. The University of Michigan's head librarian, Paul Courant agrees
4.6. Having the titles online will benefit the publishers and authors with no cost to them and no profit for Google.
4.7. More accessible, greater dispersal of knowledge (Archive. Knowledge needs to be collected and dispersed).
5. Consolidating Digital Libraries
5.1. It would make more sense to create one large library than to have many separate libraries that are hosted by different agencies.
5.1.1. One centralized location
5.1.2. Google has the best search engine - would make finding books easier.