Professional Experience Health Work

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Professional Experience Health Work by Mind Map: Professional Experience Health Work

1. Tissue provider

2. Triaging student before sending to the school nurse

2.1. UTI

2.2. Tick in eye

2.3. Rash

2.4. Blood nose

2.5. Playground bruises

2.6. Flu/Head colds

3. Negotiating with Parents about student needing glasses. Optometrist confirmed glasses needed. Parents refused to buy glasses at this time.

3.1. Liaising with Deputy Principal, Student, parents and Optometrist to ensure student received glasses.

4. Dietary requirements

4.1. Monitoring if students have enough or any food for lunch and morning tea

4.2. Being aware and monitoring any food allergies

5. Healthy Tuck-shop Menu established by school and P&C committee

6. Australian Curriculum

6.1. Health Education

6.2. Physical Education

6.2.1. Friday Sport

6.2.2. PE lessons

7. Mindfulness and Breathing Techniques taught explicitly on assembly

8. First Aid

8.1. Playground Supervision must carry first aid kit, fluro jacket, hat and whistle

8.1.1. Must fill in forms for student to receive ice, bandaids or other first aid resources from school sick bay

8.2. First Aid and CPR training

8.3. Monitoring Epipen storage

8.4. Administering if necessary and ensuring epipen is brought with students on excursions

9. Morning Mood Ratings to check in with students mental health each day

10. Counselling student who have been bullied or are feeling down mentally

10.1. Following up bullying incidents with other students and teachers.

10.2. Student social group discussions - gossiping, bullying etc

11. No hat, no play policy, sun safety enforcement

12. Out of School Hours Care (OSCH)

12.1. Sunscreen

12.2. Food

12.3. Hand Sanitiser

12.4. Medication

12.5. Physical and Mental Wellbeign of students

12.6. Communicating with parents