Higher Ed Constituents

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Higher Ed Constituents by Mind Map: Higher Ed Constituents

1. Vendor

1.1. Are my products & Services Meting Market Needs?

1.2. How can I improve/Grow My Business?

2. Leaner

2.1. Purpose: What am I doing? Why?

2.2. Pathways: How do I get there?

2.3. People: Who can help?

2.4. Prior Learning: What do I already know?

3. Educator

3.1. Research & Writing is my professional priority.

3.2. Teaching is not the most important priority

4. Institution

4.1. How do we increase retention, enrollment revenue?

4.1.1. Burnish existing brand or develop/enhance brand

4.1.2. Compete in the online market

4.1.3. Create a differentiated learning experience/product

5. Parent

5.1. How can I afford this? Am I getting my money's worth?

5.2. Which school should I send my kid to?

6. Employer

6.1. How can I find the most highly qualified job candidates?

7. Society: Non profits, government agencies

7.1. How can you educate all students?

7.2. How can we compete internationally?

8. Funding: Who has $?

8.1. What job do they need to get done?

8.2. What are they paying now?

8.3. Are they getting ROI?

8.3.1. Why or why not? How do they know?

9. B to B

10. B to C