The Perks of Reading Perks: A Discussion with Adolescents

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The Perks of Reading Perks: A Discussion with Adolescents by Mind Map: The Perks of Reading Perks: A Discussion with Adolescents

1. 1. Growing up is hard. How can books make it a little easier?

2. 2. Charlie doesn't advocate for drug use, although he uses drugs. Does depiction mean endorsement?

3. 6. A book is frequently not where kids encounter hard topics in a traumatic way. Has book ever traumatized you?

4. 8. Kids are reading. Great! What's your favorite book?

5. 3. Books make us feel less alone. This book in particular encourages human connection. When has a book helped you?

6. 5. Charlie is a sympathetic, nonjudgmental narrator. What characters from books have you connected to in the past?

7. 7. Scared parenting isn't effective parenting. Sheltering isn't preparation. When was there a time when your parents being overprotective had a negative effect?

8. 9. Mental illness needs to be talked about. How has the stigma of mental illness affected you in the past?