Re-Imagined Landscape of a Secondary School Learning Ecosystem

re-imagined learning ecosystem

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Re-Imagined Landscape of a Secondary School Learning Ecosystem by Mind Map: Re-Imagined Landscape of a Secondary School Learning Ecosystem

1. Teaching with technology

1.1. Connectivity

1.2. Digital Devices

1.3. LMS

2. Communication

2.1. D6 Communicatiotor

2.2. Automated SMS

3. Collaboration

3.1. Google Apps

3.1.1. Android

3.1.2. PC

3.1.3. Apple

3.1.4. Ipad

4. Culture

4.1. Excellence

4.2. Team Work

4.3. Care

5. Professional Development

5.1. Support

5.2. Motivation

5.3. Incentives

6. E-Assessments

6.1. Formal

6.2. Informal

7. Strategies of 21st teaching

7.1. 21st Century Skills

7.1.1. Digital tools/Assets

7.2. Story Telling

7.3. Videos

7.4. Choices

8. Curriculum

8.1. Learner needs

8.2. Authentic 4th IR

8.3. E-Content

9. Safety and Security

9.1. CCTV

9.2. AI Robotics

9.3. School in the Cloud

10. 21st century people

10.1. Teachers

10.2. Learners

10.3. Parents

10.4. Decision Makers

10.5. Other Stakeholders