Web Developer Tool Choices

Another caffeine-fueled night where no productivity was had due to (I'll blame it on) choice saturation.

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Web Developer Tool Choices by Mind Map: Web Developer Tool Choices

1. CSS pre-processors


1.1.1. SASS seems to be more popular (2017 metric though)

1.2. LESS

1.3. Stylus

2. Databases

2.1. MongoDB

2.2. MySQL

2.3. PostgreSQL

2.4. RethinkDB

2.5. SQLite

3. Transcompilers

3.1. CoffeeScript

3.2. TypeScript

4. Automation

4.1. Grunt

4.2. Gulp

4.3. Webpack

5. View engines

5.1. Pug

5.2. Handlebars

5.3. Swig

5.4. EJS

5.5. Marko

5.6. Nunjucks

6. Generators

6.1. Yeoman

6.2. Lineman

6.3. Slush