Triple Bottom Account as a planet effective approach

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Triple Bottom Account as a planet effective approach by Mind Map: Triple Bottom Account  as a planet effective approach


2. The new approach - focussed on regulatory micro-loops

2.1. Thinking per capita

2.2. results in transforming a high volume of regulatory loops

2.3. not enterprise and politics centric

2.4. democratic

2.5. self-responsibility

2.6. start with the individual, the responsible earthling

2.6.1. emissions

2.6.2. loads

2.6.3. freedoms

2.6.4. caps

2.7. technology

2.7.1. transparency technologies

2.7.2. democratic web tools

2.7.3. self-empowerment tools

2.8. education of the population

2.8.1. self-empowerment

2.8.2. responsible behavior

3. Tho old approach of Triple Bottom - focussed on macro structures

3.1. international treaties

3.2. functional elites with their interest vectors

3.3. extremely vulnerable to bias, corruption, selective perception

3.4. long loops

3.5. big regulation FAIL

3.6. not successful

4. Analogous to a bank account

4.1. but with the to other dimensions of TBL