Building relationships Harpreet Mudan Meet Steam

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Building relationships Harpreet Mudan Meet Steam by Mind Map: Building relationships Harpreet Mudan   Meet Steam

1. Schools 🏫

1.1. Huttonville

1.1.1. Mr. Dinsea - Grade 8 teacher Red and green he was able to take charge of the classroom with helping giving prompts in the end when we were answering questions about high school and controlling students behaviours if they were out of line. He had also used green by listening to us and asking if we need any materials or help, he was open to providing us with any necessary resources and we felt as if we could relate to him as he was empathic and understand towards us Initiative - this connection had been helpful in helping consider ideas such as bringing Huttonville and other schools to Jean to show the youth their opportunities and create a greater interest for them to attend Jean. I feel as if the classroom being so small as well the teachers being understanding this was a great first time for our initiative as group to learn and continue improving from.

1.1.2. Ms.Sideal - Red - in charge allowed us to teach the classes This connection had greatly helped us in staying in contact as the children enjoyed the workshop and bringing them into our school is something were considering for the future.

1.2. Jean Augustine

1.2.1. Mr.Robinson - gym teacher provided us with necessary tools, told us to make sure to return it the next day for the students to use red and green energy ( commanding, giving reasoning, empathy - let us borrow )

1.2.2. Mr.Whisen - physics teacher Lumina colour - Yellow Able to bounce ideas off each other, have a creative outlet for activities to do and then bring it down to realistic ideas for the time and audience restrictions

1.2.3. Ms.Sidhu - Mentor/teacher ask for insight on topics, get connections (emails), have a conversation on what needs to improve and is good - green energy (empathetic) submit work, keep to a timeline, makes sure were on task (make use of time) - red energy (commanding)

2. Role 🖌️ :Art and designing, collecting materials, interacting (considering all perspectives)

2.1. Able to communicate while being creative and interacting with my peers and the students with different ways. Making everything accessible to the target audience as well as being involved in implementing the activities.

2.1.1. Pros Flexible open-minded (adapt according to group and preference, ask for input)

2.1.2. Cons indecisive laid- back (need more structure when sticking to timelines)

2.2. Lumina : yellow & gree

3. Group Members 👩‍👧‍👧

3.1. Muskaan

3.1.1. Lumina colour : Red Able to take charge and keep everyone on tasks , for example in the classroom environment she was able to get the students attentions in-order to move to the next activity/discussion Pros Cons

3.2. Eva

3.2.1. Lumina colour: Green Contacted schools, took videos of the activities done as well as interact with the necessary people that they had done the workshop with before (staying in touch) Pros Cons

3.3. Sanjna

3.3.1. Lumina colour : Sanjna was able to provide structure in the planning process by writing down the ideas and keeping everything organized. Ex. Pros Cons