Why do you need to drink water?

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Why do you need to drink water? by Mind Map: Why do you need to drink water?

1. get sick

1.1. Viruses

1.2. bacteria

1.3. moisture

1.4. 2 liters

2. body temperature

2.1. thermoregulation

2.2. hypothalamus

3. blood pressure

3.1. dizzy

3.2. fainting

3.3. body decreases

3.4. 200 gr.

3.5. 20%

4. stress

4.1. headaches

4.2. decline spasms

4.3. muscle tension

4.4. increased heartbeat

5. weight

5.1. 2010

5.1.1. 55 to 75

5.1.2. 12

5.1.3. 2 groups

6. Phi16-3k3

6.1. Satim Aliya