Legal issues for emergency Nurse

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Legal issues for emergency Nurse by Mind Map: Legal issues for emergency Nurse

1. Consent

1.1. Implied

1.2. Express

1.3. Informed

1.4. Involuntary

2. Advance Directives

2.1. Living Will

2.2. Durable power of attorney for health care

2.3. Do Not Resucitate (DNR)

3. Confidentiality

3.1. save patient info

4. Violence

4.1. physical

4.2. emotional

4.3. verbal

5. Forensics

5.1. evidence collection

5.1.1. blood -urine-

5.1.2. death by fire

5.1.3. sexual assault

5.2. evidence preservation

5.2.1. bag each item

5.2.2. Lable each evidence

5.2.3. but them in secured area

5.3. chain of custody

6. Documentation

6.1. clear and objective

6.2. Realistic and Factual

6.3. one`s owen observation

6.4. free o opinion and generalized

6.5. deviod of unapproved abbreviations

7. Nurse practice act (NPA)

7.1. N.B : every coutry has its own NpA

8. un licensed assistive personal (UAP)

8.1. Technicians

8.2. paramedics

8.3. certified nurse assistance

9. Restrains

9.1. physical

9.2. chemical

10. Reportable conditions

10.1. any death with 48 hr

10.2. HIV -Hepatits

10.3. child abuse

10.4. suicide

10.5. RIP

11. Un usual events

12. Interfacility Transfer