Composition for a project

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Composition for a project by Mind Map: Composition for a project

1. Objectives

1.1. ≥Five Pieces

1.1.1. Title Theme

1.1.2. Atmospheric

1.1.3. Character Motif

1.1.4. Battle

1.1.5. Boss Battle

1.1.6. End Credits

2. Resources

2.1. Cubase

2.2. Instrument Playing Peers

2.3. Recording Studio

3. Audience

3.1. 12 - 35 years old

3.2. People that are interested in video games

3.3. People that are interested in composition/arrangement

4. Time Management

4.1. Booking

4.1.1. Game Designers

4.1.2. Studio Time

4.1.3. Peers

4.2. Composing

5. Inspiration and analysis

5.1. Castlevania: SoTN

5.2. Similar games

5.3. Undertale/Deltarune

5.4. Homestuck

6. Skills

6.1. Theory

6.1.1. Rhythm

6.1.2. Tempo

6.1.3. Chord Progression

6.1.4. Key

6.1.5. Genric Conventions

6.2. Arrangement

6.2.1. Orchestration

6.2.2. Instrumentation

7. Promotion

7.1. Social Media

7.1.1. Facebook

7.1.2. Youtube

8. Feedback

8.1. Reviews

8.1.1. Social Media Youtube Soundcloud

8.1.2. Friends

8.1.3. Peers Tech Performance

8.2. Survey

8.2.1. Friends

8.2.2. Peers Tech Performance

8.3. Interview

8.3.1. Friends

8.3.2. Peers Tech Performance

9. Jobs

9.1. Composition

9.2. Live Recording

9.3. Data Gathering