Industry Needs

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Industry Needs by Mind Map: Industry Needs

1. Responsibility

1.1. I could handle my task on time, and I have done my job. I

1.1.1. I will pay attention in class and revises the lesson everyday.

2. Decision making

2.1. I could improve this skill by experiencing through more work and difficult situations.

2.1.1. Do more projects.

2.1.2. Participate in more events or works.

3. Calculating fast withing 1-100

3.1. School

3.1.1. I will practice more to be expert

3.1.2. This skill is very useful in daily life.

4. Hardworking

4.1. I could improve my hardworking in the school and outside of the school on weekend.

4.1.1. I will improve by doing more works and throw more works into myself. I will do extra from my homework.

5. Dare

5.1. Volunteer workplace

5.1.1. Talk to more people to gain confident.

5.1.2. Making a small goal plan, to feel a success.

6. Creative thinking

6.1. School

6.1.1. Do more projects

6.1.2. Take a course about arts