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Social Media by Mind Map: Social Media

1. Cons

1.1. AVG law

1.2. Social Media without boundaries

1.3. Gossip

2. Pros

2.1. Topical

2.2. Easy to share

2.3. Objective and easy to use

2.4. The wisdom of the crowd

3. Company usage

3.1. Pay per click

3.2. Stories

3.3. Influencers

3.4. Specific target group

3.5. Promotion

3.6. No 9 to 5 posts

4. Social Media Trends

4.1. Instagram Stories

4.2. Direct messaging

4.3. Transparency

4.4. Augmented reality

4.5. Podcasts

4.6. Live stream

5. Other Trends

5.1. Influencers

5.2. Interaction

5.3. Chatbot

6. Target groups

6.1. Business guests: good pictures, easy, ranking

6.2. Gen Z: good pictures, engagement, ranking