SEY Reflection & Review

A reflection and review of the SEY program in preparation for tender writing

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SEY Reflection & Review by Mind Map: SEY Reflection & Review

1. Father engagement worker

1.1. Do we need more than one?

1.2. How does this continue with the new tender?

2. Therapeutic family worker

2.1. parent vs. child usually work with parents - so what's purpose of the role?

2.2. Interpretation of role as that there would be more work with children?

2.3. Is working with children or parents more impactful?

3. Title/name review

3.1. We'd like to re-name the program and the roles within it.

4. Group work

4.1. amount?

4.2. youth intervention around healthy relationships for young boys/men

4.2.1. boys are given the perpetrator tag very early

4.3. psyvho-ed about fv with men/ boys

4.4. work in schools?

4.5. Marketing approaches?

4.6. How much can we do?

4.7. What type? (same as previously?)

4.7.1. therapeutic process group - relationality

4.7.2. parenting?

4.7.3. Psychoeducation

4.7.4. Group therapy for women who've experienced family violence

4.7.5. Children/young people groups (using a developmental lens)

4.8. Language!

4.8.1. Look in to the language that we would like to use in our program re violence and those who experience it

4.9. school term timeframes

5. Closing?

5.1. group celebration with progam participants?

5.2. Closure event for organisational partnerships

5.3. Send a letter of appreciation and expression of care to all of our clients upon closing?

6. Program Partners

6.1. Laura (QEC): this set up has been useful. different families have different entry points and this can present a practice challenge. "i don't think there is a fixed way i should come in" to the work. Really important difference and coupling of work between therapy and parenting support roles.

6.2. Annie (VACCA): this has been a challenging role. Annie has learnt a lot. More cohesion with VACCA would be great. going forward - more sharing between VACCA's FV work and SEY FV work. Referral issues from VACCA where many clients are in crisis. This prevents true therapeutic work from taking place and also increases risk for worker. VACCA doesn't use NCFAS. they use CRAF and Annie is unsure what the other assessments they use are

6.3. Will there be more collaborative Conferences?

7. Professional development needs for our staff

7.1. Education and training is not included in the tender funding. Although Mackillop has an internal budget for training.

7.2. MARAM

7.3. do we have one whole family therapist, or do we share this work?

7.4. Do we need a child therapist? one? or are we all trained?

7.5. Psychotherapy approaches

7.6. circle of security

7.7. Working therapeutically with men who use violence

7.7.1. speak to people in north QLD who do this well

7.8. DBT - usually used with people with complex trauma/borderline personality disorders. Mindfulness

7.9. Neurobiology of childs first 1000 days, attachment styles effect of trauma and FV

7.10. clarify basic shared alignment of body of therapeutic practice theory & methodology - approach to working with clients. we all bring our own approach and this could be supplemented by a clearer basic shared approach?

7.11. Play therapy, child therapy, Art therapy

7.12. EMDR

7.12.1. Either one person or the entire team will be trained in this. It's very popular for trauma - costings $1500 for accredited 2 day workshop. Trial one EMDR trained person, 6 months, train others based on the results This adds to the Tender planning

7.13. Staff training each other in their specialties!

8. Group supervision

8.1. is the supervision with Campbell Paul useful for our FV work?

8.2. reflective practice with Linda is useful

8.3. regular reflective practice - monthly is enough.

8.4. Roster for presenting in reflective practice (with flexibility - swapping etc)

9. Safety

9.1. Policy and process - Screening of clients and how thorough we need to be

9.2. make sure referrals are very clear/whole picture - IVO's + Risk

9.3. two safety assessments - if theyre still together + if theyve separated

9.4. Develop a Pre-screening tool

9.5. ensure we information share before heading out ofn visits

9.6. Ensure established relationships with Police, orangedoor, Justice, part of the MDC

9.7. a Shared role to sit at orangedoor and review referrals

10. Referrals

10.1. we talk a lot about the families and then find out that it's not appropriate to work with them. - not time effective

10.2. Mark doesn't have much input over the clients Annie (VACCA) gets

10.3. Referral meetings. Should we change how we do it?

10.3.1. is it important for everyone to know all about the family/client?

10.4. We need to ensure clients aren't in crisis before we engage - intake assessments

10.5. Crisis checklist re intake referrals - a balance between amount of crisis and involvement in other support services. If they have enough other services (safe steps/ integrated family services) then we could still engage.

10.5.1. This would open up partnerships with other (casemanaging & crisis managing) organisations down the peninsula - Goodshepphard, Wayys, Family life, Ozchild, launch housing, Salvo care, Anglicare, star health, connections,

10.6. Annie thinks that her clients need to go through case management first, and then referred through to therapy



13. Therapy VS Risk How to manage this?

13.1. Referral pathways - we'd like to bolster knowledge of available resources

13.2. Casemanager on our team?

14. Going paperless?

14.1. we want no hard files

14.2. paperless feedback form - fill it in to the laptop directly

15. Tender

15.1. Due May 30th 13th June shortlist 17th June Tender Interviews Tender released 1st July Commencement of service Mid July

15.2. Funding for at least 3-5 years

15.3. FVV will fund the evaluation

15.4. Re-application for roles in the new tender (transition from fixed term to full time contracts)

15.5. We don't know how many positions we need

15.6. No case management - comes from partnerships

15.7. Focus on Therapeutic healing for women and children (wholistic family approach)

15.8. Work with men is not necessarily included but we can work with them from a whole family approach

15.9. There will be work developing new frameworks for practice

15.10. Children and Mothers are one target together

15.11. 40-100 hours with a target

15.12. Group work to support targets

15.13. request to work with IRIS

15.14. two different funding streams - one for work with first Australians and one for mainstream

15.15. Document to be released in 2020 re. working with men who use violence

15.16. MARAM has been released and Mark is excited!

15.17. asking for multidisciplinary teams

16. Marketing reflections and need?

16.1. Mackillop is new in the FV field and is still quite unknown for this in the South

16.2. Need for networking? who and how?

16.3. previous experience in GPS meeting?

17. Region

17.1. is our current region too large?

17.2. new tender regions, are they too small for the request of targets? how will we go about accomplishing these?

17.3. There is a practical reason to do groupwork - meet targets

18. Assessments - are these appropriate? review and ideas?

18.1. stopped doing family star - these transitioned into SEY 'feedback' forms

18.2. VACCA doesn't use NCFAS. they use CRAF and Annie is unsure what the other assessments they use are

18.3. family star plus comes with different domains.

18.3.1. some don't really like the ratedness and directness of it

18.3.2. others appreciate the transparency and appreciate the ratedness for being able to work with incongruencies in self-rating and behaviours

18.4. we don't want to over assess

18.5. tender is asking for evidence of outcomes, therefore assessment is important

18.6. Other programs use: CRAF, outcome stars,

18.7. NCFAS? Timeline and it's relevance? It is case work aligned.

18.7.1. we don't actually pay attention to / address all of the point of the NCFAS but only some.

18.8. Are there more appropriate assessment tools?

18.9. The way were doing CRAF is not sufficient for orangedoor! - how to review our practice. will this change with new MARAM training?

18.10. safe and together model?

18.11. is the MARAM (craf in the mean time) and the feedback forms enough assessment?

18.11.1. YES - but review of feedback form to make more full/robust add questions: finances am i well serviced? could we organise the feedback form to be more dynamic/narrative?

19. Time frame/length of service?

19.1. Tender states 40-100hrs - very vague

19.2. therapy isn't quick

19.3. how do we determine length of service?