English Listening and Speaking for M.5

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English Listening and Speaking for M.5 by Mind Map: English Listening and Speaking for M.5

1. Assessment

1.1. Formative

1.2. Summative

2. Syllabus

2.1. Mixed syllabus

2.1.1. Topical syllabus

2.1.2. Functional syllabus

2.1.3. Task-supported syllabus

3. Goals

3.1. Students can present the projects by using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures related to the topics.

3.2. Students can exchange information about the related topics.

4. Functions

4.1. Giving out information

4.2. Planning a trip

4.3. Giving oral presentation

4.4. Socialising and communicating

4.5. Interview people

4.6. Expressing personal preference

5. Materials

5.1. Video clip (TV programe)

5.2. Worksheets

6. Topics

6.1. Holiday & Travel

6.2. My Superstar

6.3. Career & Future

7. Skills

7.1. Speaking skill

7.2. Listening skill

8. Objectives

8.1. Students will be able to convey and express their ideas clearly about the related topic.

8.2. Students will be able to use listening and speaking strategies accurately.

8.3. Students will be able to identify words or phrases related to the topic.

8.4. Students will be able to discuss and respond to the contents of the listening text.

8.5. Students will be able to make conversation under cultural awareness.

8.6. Students become more fluent and confident using English to communicate.

8.7. Students will be able to deliver oral communication and by using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures related to the topics.