by Gina Lima
1. Recruitment
1.1. Marketing strategies & communications
1.2. Update website when apps close
2. Application Management
2.1. Applicant technical assistance (Contact person on website & app, answers questions, troubleshots, re-sending links)
2.1.1. Inform tracking spreadsheet manager as needed
2.2. Manage app tracking spreadsheet
2.2.1. Check numbers to ensure we’re meeting recruitment goals Identify if we need to extend app close date
2.2.2. Manage process for applicant follow up (reminders)
2.3. Application downloads/prep for reviewers
3. Application Scoring & Interview Selection
3.1. Create/manage scoring form (review together)
3.2. Identify & coordinate reviewers
3.3. Analyze scoring data & demographics to recommend fellows to be interviewed
3.3.1. Final review
3.4. Hold selection meeting with app reviewers
3.4.1. Final review
4. Interviews
4.1. Recruit alumni interviewers
4.2. Coordinate interviewers (confirm logistics, send packets)
4.3. Interviewer training webinar
4.4. Manage SF and LA interview logistics
4.5. Tabulate scores
5. Fellow Selection
5.1. Based on interview scores, finalize Cohort 19 fellows
5.1.1. Final review
5.2. Manage fellow communication - acceptance, regret, waitlist letters, hardship forms
5.3. Manage tuition process
5.3.1. Safety-net cross check Safety-net approval