Design at UW-Madison

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Design at UW-Madison by Mind Map: Design at UW-Madison

1. People

1.1. UW Faculty and Staff

1.1.1. Aaron Brower

1.1.2. Alice Anderson

1.1.3. Andrew Taylor

1.1.4. Ann Archbold

1.1.5. Aric Rindfleisch

1.1.6. Beverly Gordon

1.1.7. Bilge Muthlu

1.1.8. Bilge Mutlu

1.1.9. Bruce Maas

1.1.10. Caroline Levine

1.1.11. Carolyn Kallenborn

1.1.12. Carrie Roy

1.1.13. Chris Bucheit

1.1.14. Chris Lupton

1.1.15. Christopher Luzzio

1.1.16. Cid Freitag

1.1.17. Constance Steinkuehler

1.1.18. Dennis Miller

1.1.19. Diane Sheehan

1.1.20. Doug Marschalek

1.1.21. Eileen Kelly

1.1.22. Elizabeth Harris

1.1.23. Enid Montague

1.1.24. Erica Halverson

1.1.25. Frank Fronczak

1.1.26. Heidi Ploeg

1.1.27. Jay Martin

1.1.28. Jennifer Angus

1.1.29. Jim Brown

1.1.30. Jim Muehleuberg

1.1.31. John Harrington

1.1.32. Jon McKenzie

1.1.33. Joy Dohr

1.1.34. Jung-hye Shin

1.1.35. Katrina Forest

1.1.36. Kurt Squire

1.1.37. Lesley Sager

1.1.38. Linda Gorchels

1.1.39. Linda Jorn

1.1.40. Lisa Frank

1.1.41. Lou Host-Jablonski

1.1.42. Majid Sarmadi

1.1.43. Maria Kurutz

1.1.44. Mark Nelson

1.1.45. Mary Hark

1.1.46. Maya Lea

1.1.47. Michael Connors

1.1.48. Michael Doran

1.1.49. Michael Hunt

1.1.50. Michael Kientz

1.1.51. Michael Zinn

1.1.52. Patric Sims

1.1.53. Preeti Chopra

1.1.54. Robert G. Radwin

1.1.55. Roberto Rengel

1.1.56. Sam F. Dennis Jr

1.1.57. Stephen Hilyard

1.1.58. Suzanne Scott

1.1.59. Tanya Buckingham

1.1.60. Tom OGuinn

1.1.61. Virginia Terry Boyd

1.1.62. W. John Kao

1.1.63. Wei Dong

1.1.64. Young Mie Kim

1.2. Students

1.2.1. Graduate Students Cassy Schuette Erin Schamburek Rich Donohue

1.2.2. Undergraduate Students

2. Colleges

2.1. Ag and Life Sciences

2.1.1. Life Sciences Communication

2.1.2. Landscape Architecture

2.2. Business

2.2.1. Center for Brand and Product Management

2.2.2. Executive Education

2.3. Engineering

2.3.1. Industrial Engineering

2.3.2. Mechanical Engineering

2.3.3. Biomedical Engineering

2.3.4. Engineering Professional Development

2.3.5. Civil and Environmental Engineering

2.4. Human Ecology

2.4.1. Design Studies Department Textile and Apparel Design Interior Design Graduate Program Undergraduate Program

2.5. Law

2.6. Letters and Sciences

2.6.1. Astronomy

2.6.2. Arts Graphics

2.6.3. Physics

2.6.4. Journalism and Mass Communication

2.6.5. Communication Arts

2.6.6. English

2.6.7. Theater and Drama

2.6.8. Computer Sciences

2.6.9. Geography Cartography

2.7. Medicine and Public Health

2.8. Education

2.8.1. Curriculum and Instruction

3. Courses

3.1. Continuing Studies

3.1.1. Publication and Web Design

3.1.2. G298 Accelerating Innovation and Creativity

3.1.3. L770 - Understanding Intellectual Property and Patent Law

3.2. Design Thinking for Business

3.3. Executive Education

3.3.1. New Product Development - NPD

3.4. Graduate Courses

3.4.1. ENG 727. COM Arts 610 . SLIS 875 - New Media, Experimental Theory and Critical Information Design

3.4.2. ArtEd 557 - Learning Through Design

3.4.3. ISyE 564 Occupational Ergonomics and Biomechanics

3.4.4. CS 570 - Introduction to Human - Computer Interaction

3.4.5. ME / BME 603 - Design of Orthapedic Implants

3.5. Undergraduate Courses

3.5.1. Untitled

3.5.2. Art 102 - Two Dimensional Design

3.5.3. Art 104 - Three Dimensional Design

3.5.4. Art 112 Drawing 1

3.5.5. Art 214 - Sculpture I

3.5.6. Art 224 - Ceramics I

3.5.7. Art 226 - Textile Design - Off Loom Construction

3.5.8. Art 229 - Textile Design - Weaving 1

3.5.9. Art 244 - Art Metal 1

3.5.10. Art 314 - Sculpture II

3.5.11. Art 324 - Ceramics II

3.5.12. Art 334 - Woodworking

3.5.13. Art 344 Art Metal II

3.5.14. Art 346 - Typography and Communication Design

3.5.15. Art 354 - Glassworking

3.5.16. Art 366 - Stage Lighting 1

3.5.17. Art 372 - Set Design

3.5.18. Art 414 - Art Foundary

3.5.19. Art 420 - Sound Design for the Performing and Visual Arts

3.5.20. Art 428 - Computer Imaging Techniques

3.5.21. Art 430 - Advanced Sound Design

3.5.22. Art 444 Intermediate Art Metal

3.5.23. Art 454 - Neon: Light as Sculpture

3.5.24. Art 458 Introduction to Communication Design

3.5.25. Art 546 - Advanced Typography and Graphic Design

3.5.26. Art 556 Advanced Graphic Design Technology

3.5.27. Art 636 - Computer Augmented Printmaking

3.5.28. Art 656 - Design Portfolio and Professional Practice

3.5.29. Arted 326 - Design Education

3.5.30. CEE 578 - Senior Capstone Design (Civil Engineering)

3.5.31. DS 120 Design Fundamentals I (Interior Design)

3.5.32. DS 153 Fabric and Apparel Structures I

3.5.33. DS 220 Design Fundamentals II (Interior Design)

3.5.34. DS 221 Person and Environment Interactions

3.5.35. DS 251 Textile Science

3.5.36. DS 501 Introduction to Textile Design

3.5.37. Fundamentals of Human Computer Interaction

3.5.38. Inter Engr 160 / Intro Design

3.5.39. LA 201 - Introductory Landscape Architecture Studio

3.5.40. LA 250 Survey of Landscape Architecture Design

3.5.41. LA 261 Principles of Landscape Architecture Design and Graphics

3.5.42. LA 312 - Graphics for Designers

3.5.43. LA 375 - Computer Aided Design

3.5.44. LA 451 - Open Space Planning and Design

3.5.45. LA 462 - Regional Design

3.5.46. LA 654 - Aesthetic Assessment of Landscapes

3.5.47. ME 160 Architectural Graphics

3.5.48. ME 342 - Design of Machine Elements

3.5.49. ME 351/352 Interdisciplinary Experiential Senior Design

3.5.50. ME 549 - Product Design

4. Research Topics

4.1. Assistive Devices

4.2. Cartography

4.3. Consumer Behavior

4.4. Cooperative Innovation among Firms

4.5. Creativity

4.6. Designing Interactive Computing Systems

4.7. Ergonomics

4.8. Experience Design

4.9. Information / Usability Design

4.10. Interface Design for Humanities Research

4.11. Learning Spaces

4.12. Marketing

4.13. Medical Devices

4.14. New Media Studies

4.15. Nonprofit Business Design

4.16. Open Source Collaboration

4.17. Platform Design

4.18. Robotics Design

4.19. System Design

4.20. Trust between humans and technology

5. Fields

5.1. Architecture

5.1.1. Landscape Architecture

5.2. Branding

5.3. Cartography

5.4. Design-based Learning

5.5. Design Strategy

5.6. Engineering

5.7. Experience Design

5.8. Fine Arts

5.8.1. Sculpture

5.8.2. Dance

5.8.3. Theater

5.8.4. Film

5.9. Game Design

5.10. Graphic Design

5.10.1. Information Design

5.11. Interaction Design

5.12. Interior Design

5.13. Marketing and Communications

5.14. Motion Graphics

5.15. Packaging

5.16. Product Design

5.16.1. Industrial Design

5.17. Research

5.18. Service Design

5.19. Software Design

5.20. Textile and Apparel Design

6. Centers, Units, Projects and Resources

6.1. Arts Institute

6.2. Arts on Campus

6.3. Bolz Center for Arts Administration, business

6.4. Center for Integrative Design

6.5. Center for Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Devices

6.6. Creative Arts Design Residential Learning Community

6.7. Design Gallery

6.8. Design Lab

6.9. Digital Humanities Initiative

6.9.1. Project Bamboo

6.10. Division of Information Technology - DoIT

6.10.1. Web Design Services

6.11. Ergonomics Analysis and Design Consortium

6.12. Trace Center

6.13. UW Libraries

6.14. WARF

6.15. Wisconsin Center for Education Products and Services

6.16. Wisconsin Intitutes for Discovery WID

7. Events, Awards and Contests

7.1. Burell Competition

7.2. Engage Adaption Award

7.3. Schoof's Competition

7.4. The Tong Biomedical Engineering Design Awards

7.5. Tong Protoyping