3m´s culture of innovation


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3m´s culture of innovation by Mind Map: 3m´s culture of innovation

1. Corporate culture

2. Technological platforms

3. Awards and honours

4. History: 1920 Okie: Response to customer needs 1930 Drew: Freedom to find the solution Bordeb: Everyone's work and it never ends 1940 Sater: long-term support 1950 Trott: Well prepared company Lehr: Ask for forgiveness instead of asking permission 1960 Appledor: Performance of all employees 1980 Fry: Team effort 1990 Light Management - Hidrofluoresentes 2008 Solar Center - Multi-purpose cloth

5. Proximity to customers

6. 3m´s culture of innovation

7. Vision and commitment

8. Metrics and results

9. What is innovation? Transformation of knowledge in money