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Free-writing by Mind Map: Free-writing

1. Mothers Day

1.1. Budget

1.2. What should we do?

1.2.1. Bowling?

1.2.2. Movies?

1.2.3. Food?

1.2.4. Just hang out?

2. Biology

2.1. ADHD

2.2. Medicine

2.2.1. How does it work?

2.2.2. Different reactions

2.3. Do my own research

3. Writing process

3.1. Patterns

3.2. Branch off

3.3. Essays

3.4. Make an outline

3.4.1. Pencil and paper

3.4.2. Notes

3.4.3. Incomplete thoughts

4. English

4.1. Confidence

4.1.1. I want to improve it

4.2. Practice

4.3. Focus

4.3.1. ADHD

4.4. Improvement

4.4.1. How can I do this?

4.5. How can turn whats in my head into sentences that make sense?

5. Rats

5.1. Cute

5.2. Humane trap

5.2.1. Relocation Do they miss their family?

5.3. Do not touch