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1. 3. Pre-school Education

1.1. period covers a child's first 36-72 months and lasrs until a child starts primary education.

1.2. plays an important role in the future lives of children and during this period a child's physical, psychomotor, social-emotional, mental and lingual development is largely completed and personality is formed

1.3. has many benefits for children, families and society

1.4. not only ensures that children in the long run are more productive, more creative and more skilled in problem solving, but also ensures that socially, children learn how to share their toys and interest of grown ups, enabling kids to learn talking mutually as well

1.5. They learn to find solutions for problems rising in relationship and conflicts with their peers and learn to show respect to rights of other children too.

2. 4. Drama Based Learning

2.1. Educational drama is a synthesis of movement, sense, language and communication, thought and feeling

2.2. Drama enables the child to become active in the learning process by placing him/her in the center. Children are able to think creatively, critically, multi-dimensionally, and freely, show cognitive, social, affective, and psychomotor development, have fun, create empathy, implement their knowledge, and develop cooperative skills through drama, where active learning is realized.

2.3. Drama activities give an opportunity to the participants to examine various social roles and problems. Creating different social problems enables the individuals to understand the society and social relations better.

2.4. Drama and dramatic activities in pre-school education positively affects the cognitive development of the child, connected to all development areas

2.5. Dramatic activities and drama in pre-school education provides children with opportunities to use language actively, and to develop language as a tool of oral communication. Rhythm, tempo, and accent activities are also used and developed in drama

3. 5. Result

3.1. Increases the creativity and imagination, the skill of taking decisions, thinking independently and the motivation to discover,

3.2. During the process of drama, it develops communication skills by talking to their friends and bringing out their inner voices,

3.3. It contributes to self-perception of the children and to the development of positive self-concept,

3.4. It develops the feeling of cooperating with a group because there is a group work, develops social sensitivity, feeling of responsibility, and social living skills and social skills,

3.5. While increasing psycho-motor skills, it creates coordination and balance in organs, flexibility in movements, and agility,

3.6. Should have a place in pre-school education since it contributes to all the fields of development of pre￾school children

4. 1. Introduction

4.1. the main aim was to draw attention to the importance of the pre-school drama and drama based education

4.2. Taking into account of Children's developmental characteristics, individual differences and abilities,aiming to provide healthy form of physical, emotional, linguistic, social and mental aspects of development, positive personality, and reveal the creative aspects, and providing this education we ensure that child has the self confidence.

4.3. Using drama in the educational step is the most important way of expressing the persons feeling in an healthy manner; to improve the child's imagination, to enable child to think and act independent, to improve the child's social awareness and cooperative awareness

5. 2. Methods and exercises

5.1. Most important gains for using drama in education

5.1.1. achieving expression of feelings in a healthy way

5.1.2. developing creative imagination in children

5.1.3. giving a chance to children to think and express themselves independently

5.1.4. developing children's social awareness and cooperative consciousness

5.2. Pre-school education, learning based on drama and relationship between drama and pre￾school education is examined and settled in a holistic manner.

6. 6. Suggestions

6.1. Seminars, panel discussions, conferences, and workshops etc. should be organized for pre-school educators focusing on the relationship between drama and field developments,

6.2. In-service training courses on drama should be given to teachers

6.3. Drama lessons should take place in other departments as well, not just in some departments of faculties of education.