Silk Road
by Ying Lee
1. Keywords
1.1. Hioraki
1.2. Silk Road
1.3. Civilisations
2. Citing resources
2.1. books
2.2. Cite resources
2.3. Zotero
2.4. Easybib
2.5. Library catalog
3. Trade and Exchange
3.1. Giving something and taking something
4. Dissemination of Ideas
4.1. Sharing and spreading ideas
5. Dissemination of belief systems
5.1. Multiculturally exchanging and spreading religions to other cultures
6. Cultural Transmission
6.1. How a group of people or animals within a culture or society learn and pass information.
7. A trail of trading and exchanging from China to the edge of Europe
7.1. Started from 500CE to 1500CE
8. Diffusion of technologies
8.1. The spread of technologies which then can be adopted to new inventions
9. Intercultural exchange
9.1. Multiculturally buying/swapping/exchanging
10. Command terms
11. OPCVL skills
11.1. To find good websites on google
12. Starters for good inquiry questions
12.1. To what extent..
12.2. How
12.3. Why
12.4. When
12.5. To what end...
12.6. Who
13. Medieval times
13.1. China
13.2. Korea
13.3. Japan
13.4. England
14. Diseases
14.1. Black death
14.2. Affect a lot of people and wiped out population in a lot of countries
15. China
15.1. Song Dynasty
15.2. Yuan Dynasty
16. What I wanted to find out more about
16.1. How did people communicate with one another when they spoke different languages?
16.2. Hypothesis
16.3. The culture and traditions of China's civilisation
17. Connections
18. Communication
19. Political
20. Economic
21. Social
22. Jobs
23. Growth of cities