Area of Specialization

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Area of Specialization by Mind Map: Area of Specialization

1. AP Course

1.1. Organizing Content


1.1.2. Google Classroom

1.1.3. Google Slides agendas

1.2. Adopting Content

1.2.1. Independent programming modules

1.2.2. Pair programming modules

1.2.3. Internet simulator

1.2.4. Google Doc activity guides

1.2.5. Online unit quizzes in

2. High School Courses

2.1. Organizing Content

2.1.1. Google Classroom

2.1.2. Google Slides agendas

2.2. Creating Content

2.2.1. Individualized projects

2.2.2. Chapter quizzes

2.2.3. Chapter Kahoot reviews

2.3. Adopting Content

2.3.1. GMetrix practice exams

2.3.2. Adobe Revealed textbooks

2.3.3. ACA Test Prep online course

2.3.4. Certiport certification exams

3. College Course

3.1. Organizing Content

3.1.1. Canvas

3.1.2. Google Slides agendas

3.2. Creating Content

3.2.1. Instructor video lectures

3.2.2. Discussion boards

3.2.3. Screensharing tutorials

3.2.4. Rise lessons

3.2.5. Topic quizzes

3.2.6. Individualized projects

4. School PR

4.1. Organizing Content

4.1.1. Google Classroom job posts

4.1.2. OneDrive depository

4.2. Creating Content

4.2.1. Announcement posts

4.2.2. Event groups

4.2.3. Staff directory updates

4.2.4. Club/Activity photography

4.2.5. Student of the Month interviews

4.3. Adopting Content

4.3.1. Wordpress

4.3.2. Canva

4.3.3. Venngage