Grade 8: Historical Worldviews Examined

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Grade 8: Historical Worldviews Examined by Mind Map: Grade 8: Historical Worldviews Examined

1. General Outcome 8.1 From Isolation to Adaptation: Japan

1.1. Values & Attitudes

1.1.1. 8.1.1 - Students will appreciate the roles of time and geographic location in shaping a society's worldview

1.1.2. 8.1.2 - Students will appreciate how a society's worldview can foster the choice to remain an isolated society

1.1.3. 8.1.3 - Students will appreciate how models of governance and decision making reflect a society's worldview

1.1.4. 8.1.4 - Students will appreciate how a society's worldview shapes individual citizenship and identity

1.2. Knowledge & Understanding

1.2.1. 8.1.5 - Students will analyze the effects of cultural isolation during the Edo period by exploring and reflecting upon questions and issues

1.2.2. 8.1.6 - Students will analyze the effects that rapid adaptation had on traditionally isolated Japan during the Meiji period by exploring and reflecting upon questions and issues

1.3. Assessment/Learning Activities

1.3.1. Write a paper exploring the elements of society affected by worldview: social systems, political and economic systems, and culture.

1.3.2. Debate on isolationism versus non-isolation

1.3.3. Make an info-graph representing Japans culture

1.3.4. Have students maintain a thinking journal throughout the unit

2. General Outcome 8.3 Worldviews in Conflict: The Spanish and the Aztecs

2.1. Values & Attitudes

2.1.1. 8.3.1 - Students will appreciate how a society's worldview influences the society's choices, decisions, and interactions with other societies

2.1.2. 8.3.2 - Students will appreciate how Aztec and Spanish identities and worldviews were affected by intercultural contact

2.1.3. 8.3.3 - Students will appreciate and recognize how rapid adaptation can radically change a society's beliefs, values and knowledge.

2.2. Knowledge & Understanding

2.2.1. 8.3.4 - Students will assess, critically, how the Aztecs were affected by the Spanish worldview by exploring and reflecting upon questions and issues

2.3. Assessment/Learning Activities

2.3.1. Create an accordion book of the timeline of events

2.3.2. Writing 'letters back home' that explain the events happening between the Spanish and the Aztecs

2.3.3. Create a comparison T-chart that shows the similarities and differences between the two cultures

2.3.4. Physical Education games and movement breaks from the two cultures

3. General Outcome 8.2 Origins of a Western Worldview: Renaissance Europe

3.1. Values & Attitudes

3.1.1. 8.2.1 - Students will appreciate how Renaissance Europe formed the basis for the worldview of the Western world

3.1.2. 8.2.2 - Students will demonstrate a willingness to consider differing beliefs, values and worldviews

3.1.3. 8.2.3 - Students will recognize how beliefs and values are shaped by time, geographic location and societal context

3.2. Knowledge & Understanding

3.2.1. 8.2.4 - Students will examine, critically, the factors that shaped the worldview evolving in Western Europe during the Renaissance by exploring and reflecting upon questions and issues

3.3. Assessment/Learning Activities

3.3.1. Positive and negative information cards. Separate students half with positive and half with negative and have them move around the room and share with someone who has a different card than them

3.3.2. Reconstruct artwork, songs, or a poem that shows appreciate for the Renaissance period

3.3.3. Inquiry-based research project

3.3.4. Separate class into two groups, and have them come up with skits to showcase the culture and ways of living during the pre and post Renaissance era