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my daily routine by Mind Map: my daily routine

1. get

1.1. History

1.2. Geography

2. Music

2.1. Phonetics

3. Technology

3.1. Coding

3.2. Internet

4. Technology Design

4.1. Art

4.2. Recycling

5. Robotic Coding

6. Guidance and Counseling

7. Class Lessons

8. English Club

8.1. Listening

8.2. Speaking

8.3. Writing

8.4. Grammar

9. Science Lab

9.1. Chemistry

9.2. Biology

9.3. Physics

10. Art

10.1. Industrial

10.2. Fine Arts

11. Turkish

11.1. Drama

11.2. Literature

11.3. Grammer

11.4. Rhythmic

12. Mathematics

13. Mind Games