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John Lennon by Mind Map: John Lennon

1. His parents were

1.1. Alfred Lennon

1.2. Julia Lennon

2. His first wife was Cynthia Powell

2.1. They met at school

2.2. They married in 1962

2.3. They had a boy, Julian Lennon in 1968

2.4. They got divorced

3. His second wife was Yoko Ono

3.1. They married in 1969

3.2. They had a son, Sean Lennon, in 1975

4. Was

4.1. A musician,artist,singer,writer,actor and poet

4.2. A member of the famous band of rock and pop “ the Beatles”

4.2.1. When it divided, he started a career like a soloist

5. Was born

5.1. In Liverpool, United Kingdom

5.2. On 9th October 1940

6. Was murdered

6.1. On 8th December 1980