Ability / Disability Equity

Ability / Disability Equity

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Ability / Disability Equity by Mind Map: Ability / Disability Equity

1. recognize that competition plays a role in facutly

1.1. do we assume that a tenured position is the goal for all faculty members

1.2. role of neoliberalism

1.3. financial constraints

2. Proving one's disability/ need for accomodation

2.1. taking time for medical appointments

2.2. costs of appointments / drugs / therapies

2.3. if one needs to "prove" a medical condition to a practitioner, will there be cultural or racial biases that could come into play

3. Addictions and Lifestyle Choices

3.1. "a policy that suggests that diabetes 2 is a lifestyle disease" (Bacci, pg. 13)

3.2. are there judgemental aspects involved?

4. define disabiltiy

4.1. Bacci article asks about the "conditions that allow particular problem representations to take shape and to assume dominance, whilst others are silenced" (p. 14)

5. intersectionality / biases

5.1. culture / race / religion impact

6. how do we feel about ourselves and others

6.1. self-esteem

6.2. empathy and desire for social justice and inclusion

7. Western needs to improve its numbers for faculty with a disability

7.1. financial and social motivation

7.2. need for accomodation

8. Assumptions of what is defined as knowledge or workload management at a post-secondary institution

8.1. how is knowledge valued

8.2. what knowledge is valued

8.3. how do we define knowledge

9. who is not here - who is silenced

9.1. who can disclose - is it safe

9.2. are we relying on those with a disability to ask the questions

9.3. are other equity groups getting the "attention"

10. A disease, illness, injury or impairment can occur at any point in time (not stagnant)

10.1. could also ebb ad flow or go into remission

11. collegiality and acceptance among groups

11.1. will the use of an accommodation be seen as a weakness by colleagues

11.2. how are relationships established within the discourse (Bacci, pg. 16)

12. what research and by whom gets valued

12.1. inclusion does not muddy the waters of quality