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Harry Potter by Mind Map: Harry Potter

1. Where? Setting

1.1. 4 Privet Drive

1.2. Diagon Alley

1.3. Hogwarts

2. What happened?

2.1. Harry talks to a snake at the zoo

2.1.1. gets in trouble

2.2. Harry gets a letter (lots of them)

2.2.1. Uncle Vernon takes them all to hide from the letters Harry meets Hagrid and finds out he's a wizard Harry turns 11

3. Who? Characters

3.1. Harry Potter

3.1.1. lives with Dursleys (aunt and uncle)

3.1.2. cousin- Dudley

3.1.3. descriptions of Harry orphan

3.1.4. Hedwig-owl

3.2. Magical

3.2.1. Hagrid Fang

3.2.2. Draco Malfoy

3.2.3. Weasleys Ron

3.2.4. Neville forgetful

3.3. Hogwarts teachers

3.3.1. McGonagall

3.3.2. Snape

4. When? Time