Cyber security Challenges

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Cyber security Challenges by Mind Map: Cyber security Challenges

1. Malware

1.1. Ransomware

1.2. Ransomware

1.3. Spyware

1.4. Computer Won

1.5. Trojan Horse

1.6. Adware

2. Internet of Things

2.1. Universal Plug and Play

2.2. Firmware update

2.3. Threat detection

2.4. Network segmentation

2.5. Identity and Access Management

2.6. Public Key Infrastructure

3. Mobile Security

3.1. Data centric security

3.2. Firewall

3.3. Authentication

3.4. Intrusion detection system

3.5. Secure Coding

3.6. Secure Operation System

4. Artificial Intelligence

4.1. Cognitive Security

4.2. Conditional access

4.3. Biometrics logins

4.4. Natural language processing

4.5. Cybereason

5. Cyber Security Data Protection

5.1. Patch management

5.2. Antivirus

5.3. Cryptography

5.4. Access Control

5.5. Data Masking

5.6. Cloud