the house

exemple de carteen anglais

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the house by Mind Map: the house

1. fourniture

1.1. fireplace

1.2. sofa

1.3. bed

1.4. double bed

1.5. armchair

1.6. Wash bassin

1.7. chair

1.8. sink

1.9. bedside table

1.10. desk

1.11. bath

1.12. wardrobe

1.13. coober

2. like dislike

2.1. dislike

2.2. hate

2.3. detest

2.4. like

2.5. keen on

2.6. love

2.7. enjoy

2.8. can't stant

2.9. fond off

2.10. crazy about

2.11. can't stand

2.12. can't bear

3. object

3.1. carpet

3.2. fridge

3.3. plant

3.4. chest

3.5. tv set

3.6. clock

3.7. alarm clock

3.8. spider wek

3.9. shelf

3.10. lamp

4. rooms

4.1. hall

4.2. living room

4.3. bedroom

4.4. toilts

4.5. attic

4.6. bathroom

4.7. diningroom