by Penelope Coutas

1. Recycling and Rationing Water
1.1. water restrictions
1.2. using grey water
1.3. water tanks
1.4. waterwise gardens
1.5. excursion to recycling plant, Craigie
1.6. beliefs & values
2. Engineering (Inquiry) Project
2.1. identify problem & devise solution (model)
2.1.1. desalination (solar still?)
2.2. Curtin University Project
3. Problems/Issues
3.1. in Australia
3.1.1. water shortage
3.1.2. floods
3.1.3. drought
3.1.4. algal bloom
3.1.5. pollution
3.1.6. rainfall
3.2. in Surabaya
3.2.1. floods
3.2.2. unclean drinking water
3.3. similarities and differences
4. The Environment
4.1. How healthy is our drinking water?
4.1.1. e coli
4.1.2. plt
4.1.3. salinity
4.1.4. sediments
4.1.5. other micro-organisms
4.2. Excursion: Swan River monitoring
4.2.1. Joselyn Fissioli, Education Officer, Swan Canning Catchment, Swan River Trust: 08 9278 0913
4.3. Beliefs & Values
4.3.1. SAIMS & Como
4.3.2. Aboriginal beliefs and values re: water
5. Water Usage
5.1. indoor
5.1.1. bathroom
5.1.2. kitchen
5.1.3. laundry
5.2. outdoor
5.2.1. garden
5.2.2. pools
5.3. wasted
5.4. what for?
5.5. how much?
5.6. Data collection: usage at home
5.7. Traditional water uses
6. Water Cycle
6.1. where does it come from?
6.2. where does it go?
6.3. process to provide drinking water
6.3.1. excursion to water treatment plant
6.3.2. excursion to Kwinana desalination plant