Tourist socio-cultural aversion

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Tourist socio-cultural aversion by Mind Map: Tourist socio-cultural aversion

1. antecedents

1.1. socialisation

1.2. pscyhology

2. conceptual background

2.1. why

2.2. what

2.3. how

2.4. where

3. conceptualisation

3.1. preceding definitions in other disciplines

3.2. scope

3.3. define

4. theorisation

4.1. consumer culture theory

5. aversion types/ constructs

5.1. ignore

5.2. dislike

5.3. hate

5.4. destroy ( get rid of)/ harm

5.5. damage the reputation ( boycott)

6. aversion phases

6.1. preconsumption

6.2. consumption

6.3. post consumption

7. Predominant situating contexts

7.1. disaster stricken destinations

7.2. bad rep places

7.3. places suffering ( positive). e.g. reef, historic places, antartacia

7.4. indigenous tourism

8. roadblocks

9. pathways and future directions