Subject 2 - Which outcomes resonate?

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Subject 2 - Which outcomes resonate? by Mind Map: Subject 2 - Which outcomes resonate?

1. Which levels could Turner & Townend claim to play in?

2. North Star for decision making

3. Which level feels distinctly Turner & Townend?

4. Would you add anything?

5. Refine intent into clear narrative which

5.1. Inspires people

5.2. Positions us as an organization our stakeholders want to be associated with

6. Use purpose as an anchor for

6.1. Vision 2025

6.2. Subsequent Decision making

7. Enables us to have even greater collective impact

8. Inspire and encourage our people to feel, think and act purposefully

9. Levels of outcome

9.1. This builds a better world

9.2. This makes for a better quality of life for generations to come

9.3. This enables healthier, happier, more prosperous places. Places people can be their best self.

9.4. This creates confidence to construct next generation infrastructure

9.5. This delivers construction excellence

9.6. We bring rig our, discipline and speed to construction