Verizon customer service number

Even though Verizon retired their email service, you can access your email address using AOL, or Yahoo provided you migrated your account before the 15th of December 2017.

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Verizon customer service number by Mind Map: Verizon customer service number

1. Verizon customer support phone number

2. Verizon phone number

2.1. Verizon is a popular email service that was first introduced by Verizon Communications. Even though Verizon retired their email service, you can access your Verizon.

2.2. If you have any trouble accessing your account, you can call the Verizon support number number and speak to a certified expert to find out how to troubleshoot the error and resolve the issue. The customer care number is available 24 hours a day so you can get your doubts cleared anytime you want. For more info visit us