Readers can have their thinking disrupted when they are....

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Readers can have their thinking disrupted when they are.... by Mind Map: Readers can have their thinking disrupted when they are....

1. Compassionate

1.1. open to possibilities of change

1.2. seeing others' point of view, perspectives and feelings

1.3. convicted of action or change

1.4. imagining what others are experiencing

2. Responsive

2.1. linking books to their own experiences

2.2. noting their own emotions

2.3. reading books that link to their world

2.3.1. socially

2.3.2. emotionally

2.3.3. physically

3. Responsible

3.1. reflecting on their reading

3.2. examining their feelings

3.3. paying attention to their responses, reactions and feelings

3.4. using discernment

3.4.1. credible resources

3.4.2. fake news

3.4.3. bias

3.5. defending their thoughts and values