Student´s Potfolio: the collection of the best work and efforts of the Ss

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Student´s Potfolio: the collection of the best work and efforts of the Ss by Mind Map: Student´s Potfolio: the collection of the best work and efforts of the Ss

1. Types

1.1. The process: help Ss to identify learniing goals, document progress and demonstrates learning mastery

1.2. The product: involves Ss samples of their best work, sucha as outcomes, brainstorming ideas, drafts, etc

2. Purposes: give the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge

3. Advantages: for teachers and Ss

4. Develop a portafolio: 3 stages

4.1. Organization & Planning

4.2. Collection

4.3. Reflection

5. Portfolio Assessment

5.1. Thoughtfulness

5.2. Growth & adevelopment

5.3. Understanding & application

5.4. Completeness & correctness of products

5.5. Diversity of Entries

6. Authenticity

7. Portfolios scoring Scheme

7.1. T can specify tasks that can be assigned to Ss as parto f the protfolio evaluation