Stu Haugen

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Stu Haugen by Mind Map: Stu Haugen

1. Basic Information

1.1. Home Town

1.2. Current Location

1.3. Birthplace

1.4. Male/Female

1.5. Birthday

1.6. Interested in

1.7. Languages

1.8. About me

2. Pictures

2.1. Profile Photos

2.2. Albums

2.2.1. New node

3. Friends

3.1. Friend Count

3.2. Friends

4. Education

4.1. College/University

4.2. Highschool

5. Family

5.1. Anniversary

5.2. Relationships

6. Employers

7. Philosophy

7.1. Religion

7.2. Political Views

7.3. People who inspire you

7.4. Favorite Quotations

8. Arts and Entertainment

8.1. Music

8.2. Books

8.3. Movies

8.4. Television

8.5. Games

9. Sports

9.1. Favorite Sports

9.2. Favorite Teams

9.3. Favorite Athletes

10. Activities and Interests

10.1. Activities

10.2. Interests

11. Contact Information

11.1. Emails

11.2. Mobile Phones

11.3. Other Phones

11.4. IM Screen Names

11.5. Address

11.6. Website