Input/Output Devices

Planning for technology in the classroom.

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Input/Output Devices by Mind Map: Input/Output Devices

1. Output

1.1. Printers

1.2. Sharepoint

1.3. Projector

1.4. Website

1.5. blogs/

1.6. FTP Sites

2. Benefits

2.1. engagement

2.2. active learning

2.3. multiple learning styles

2.4. overlap with multiple intellegences

3. Input

3.1. digital camera

3.2. scanner

3.3. software

3.3.1. LMS

3.3.2. Presentation

3.3.3. Word processing

3.3.4. number crunching

3.3.5. language skills

3.4. microphone

3.5. stylus

4. Challenges


4.2. PRICE

4.3. Keeping up with updates

4.4. Security

4.5. learning which is right fit

4.6. ever evolving