Could mobility make comfortable the post-collapse life?

Does the mobility could make comfortable the post-collaps life ?

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Could mobility make comfortable the post-collapse life? by Mind Map: Could mobility make comfortable the post-collapse life?

1. collapsology

1.1. What are the scenarios solved by mobility ?

2. Test & learn

2.1. what specific option needs to be experimented?

3. Activation from now

3.1. Law

3.1.1. France

3.1.2. ...

3.2. Trends

3.2.1. Technos trends

3.2.2. ...

3.3. Research

3.3.1. Current research

3.3.2. ...

4. Bench

4.1. Minimal room

4.1.1. What space do you need for your personal objects ?

4.1.2. Bench Minimal room concrete project: the Mobile-room: 8m2 as the personal surface require _Marine

4.1.3. ...

4.2. Shared place

4.2.1. What does everyone need to use?

4.2.2. Bench Shared places

4.2.3. ...

4.3. Transport

4.3.1. What does each one need to transport for personal usage?

4.3.2. Bench Transports

4.3.3. ...

4.4. Nature care

4.4.1. What are the "un-nature-caring stuff" you need to be re-designed?

4.4.2. Bench Nature care process

4.4.3. ....

4.5. Human care

4.5.1. What do you need to be good?

4.5.2. Bench Human care lifestyle

4.5.3. ...

5. bio-mimicry

5.1. Migration of birds

5.1.1. mobility for food

5.2. Migration of whales / turtle

5.2.1. mobility according to steps of life (birth, spawn, gestation..)