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Outcomes by Mind Map: Outcomes

1. 3- young people have improved relationships

1.1. boundaries

1.2. expectations and pressures

1.3. communication

1.4. assertiveness

2. Work delivered at

2.1. schools

2.2. partnerships

2.2.1. format group programme one off sessions

2.3. Mindspace

3. 1 - improved emotional well-being and increased understanding of how mental health impacts on every day life

3.1. mental health/physical health

3.1.1. stigma

3.2. self-awareness

3.2.1. emotions understanding and communicating/expressing

3.3. triune brain

3.3.1. think - feel - do

3.4. acceptance

3.5. self-compassion

3.5.1. self-esteem self confidence self beleif

4. 2 - young people have better coping techniques, self-management skills and resilience, leading to emotional well-being